Mirrorlite™ Genuine Glassless Mirrors
The Ultimate Choice for Mirrored Ceilings & Walls
(and the only brand of Glassless Mirror to receive a UL safety classification)
Mirrorlite™ Glassless Mirrors are a breakthrough in mirror technology offering unparallel safety and ease of installation due to their lightweight non-glass construction. Since Mirrorlite™ Glassless Mirrors are not made of glass they are shatterproof, significantly reducing the likelihood of personal injury, a benefit that is especially important in today's litigious environment.
Unlike the "fun house" or "oil can" effect typical of acrylic mirrors, Mirrorlite™ Glassless Mirrors reflect an optical quality image that is bright, clear, free of distortion and equal to that of a first-surface optical glass mirror!
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